
Archive for the ‘Cattle’ Category

Winter Nutrition for your Cattle

Winter Nutrition for your Cattle : Taking shortcuts on your cattle nutrition during the winter months could risk next year’s calf crop, this year’s weaning weights and the long-term viability of your herd. According to information from university of Minnesota extension beef experts, winter feeding programs vary for each cattle...

Preparing Your Livestock for Winter Feeding

Preparing Your Livestock for Winter Feeding: With colder weather on the horizon, many farmers and ranchers are preparing for the winter months. One of the most important things to consider when getting your animals ready for winter is their feed. During this time, hay becomes the most common type of...

Fall Cow-Calf Management Reminders

Fall Cow-Calf Management Reminders: October • Beginning in late October or November, provide supplemental feed for bulls on dry grass according to age and condition. • Evaluate cows’ body condition score (BCS) at weaning.  Develop winter nutrition program to have cows at a BCS of six at calving to enhance...

Supplementing Your Livestock’s Diet

December marks the beginning of winter, which also means that it’s the perfect time to start thinking about supplementing your livestock’s diet. As temperatures drop, animals can struggle to maintain their weight, and their bodies require more energy to keep warm. This time of year, it’s crucial to make sure...

Cattle Tub and Block Supplements Benefits

Cattle Tub and block supplements are a good way to supplement when forage is poor. Supporting cattle’s nutrient needs as forage quality declines is a must. But how can you accomplish this in an efficient, easy-to-manage way? Cattle Tub and block supplements are a great option to keep cattle performing...

Cattle Health: Nutrition, Vaccines and Dewormers

Evaluate your herd health protocol to determine if your cattle are set up for success, or if a foundational element is missing. Did you know, nutrition can impact the effectiveness of health protocols, including vaccinations and dewormers? It’s true. In fact, it’s often said that without quality nutrition, there’s no...

Hot Weather Alert: Help Your Cattle Beat the Heat

By Kent Tjardes   If you’re a kid at the swimming pool, the heat of summer can be delightful. But for cattle, summer heat can be dangerous, even deadly. “Heat stress in cattle is not something to be taken lightly,” says Kent Tjardes, Ph.D. and cattle consultant with Purina Animal...

Purina Starter Cattle Feeds With Immune Support

Introducing Purina starter cattle feeds, now with RX3™ Immune Support Technology. It’s a research-proven to prime calves’ immune systems and optimizes their response to stress and respiratory challenges. A new generation of calf nutrition. First comes stress, then comes reduced disease resistance and calf health challenges. But, it doesn’t have...

Feed Winter Cattle Supplements For A Healthy Herd

Winter feeding programs are essential to all cattle operations. Offering winter cattle supplements like cubes and mineral tubs can offer nutrition cattle lack during the cold months due to the lack of natural forage. Supplementation can support the body score and help sustain pregnancy rate of cattle. Here at Pasturas...