
Archive for the ‘Cattle’ Category

Three Trimesters that Last a Lifetime – Cow Gestation

Make the most of calf development during cow gestation. When you think of the first moments of a calf’s life, you might picture a newborn calf vigorously nursing a healthy mama cow. You probably don’t think of that calf in utero. But a calf’s lifetime performance can hinge on the...

Cattle Mineral Quick Tips

By Kent Tjardes If you’re using a mineral form of fly control, like Wind and Rain Storm Fly Control Mineral, consistent intake is key. Calculate consumption to know if cattle are eating enough mineral to control the flies. Aim to hit the target intake listen on your feed tag. Target...

Cattle Water Intake: Did you know?

By Christina Hayes We focus on balancing cattle diets for energy, protein, vitamins, and minerals, but we tend to overlook water. Every physiological process involves water, and it’s requirement for cattle performance. Here are some quick water tips: Water quality and quantity can impact feed intake. Limited access to water...

2018-2019 Livestock Shows

2018-2019 Livestock Shows for the upcoming season are right around the corner! The calendar is set for the 2018-2019 Livestock Shows in Texas.  Here are the dates and locations happening throughout Texas. Go to the links for each Stock Show to learn more about event schedules, entry forms, ticket information...

Forage Snapshot

By Chad Zehnder These are simple things you can do to make the most of forages today and further on down the road: 1. Implement a grazing plan Rotational grazing gives pastures a rest compared to grazing them continuously. You can rotate cattle between pastures as often as once a...

Weaning: Avoid these Common Pitfalls

By Chris Forcherio Have you defined what success and failure look like in your weaning program? Success might look like live, healthy calves who put on weight with minimal intervention. On the flip side, failure may be calf mortality, sick or stressed, a high rate of treatment and less weight...

Purina Wind and Rain Cattle Mineral In Tubs & Bags

Pick up Purina Wind and Rain Cattle Mineral in bags or tubs. Available at Pasturas Los Alazanes in Dallas and Balch Springs. Wind and Rain Storm Fly Control Mineral  A comprehensive line of beef cattle minerals designed to correct the mineral deficiencies of the available forage in a palatable, weather-resistant,...

Don’t set and forget self-fed supplements

Better management of self-fed supplements could improve consumption and optimize performance. Self-fed supplements are commonly used to deliver essential nutrients to cattle and to meet their nutritional requirements. However, use of a self-fed supplement does not translate to a self-managed supplementation program. Proper management of self-fed supplements is important to...

Horn Flies: the $1 Billion Bite at Cattle Profits

Can you imagine being bit 120,000 times per day? It might be hard to imagine what this feels like, however during peak timeframes, as many as 4,000 horn flies can call a cow’s hide home. At 30 blood meals per day, that adds up to 120,000 bites per cow. Not...

Three Things to Look for in Cattle Mineral

Whether you buy a cattle mineral off the shelf at a retail store, walk into your local dealer and request their ‘standard’ mineral or work closely with your nutritionist to select a mineral supplement for your herd, sorting through the various mineral types can sometimes be a daunting task. It...