
Archive for the ‘Cattle’ Category

Purina’s IM Technology Delivers Predicatable Performance

PURINA’S IM TECHNOLOGY DELIVERS PREDICTABLE PERFORMANCE It’s a well-researched fact that a stable digestive system in cattle results in increased forage utilization, digestive function, and overall health and performance (see “Basic Cattle Nutrition”). Hand feeding range supplements such as range cubes, commodities, or grain mixes, may be causing instability in...

Seven Vital Trace Minerals for Cattle

Cobalt, copper, iodine, iron, manganese, selenium and zinc are trace minerals important to good cattle nutrition. Ranchers and feedlot operators need to know whether or not these minerals are available in their regions and supplement deficiencies accordingly. This TDN excerpts an article by Oklahoma State University animal nutritionist Fred Owens...

Quick Tips To Help Reach BCS Goals

Body condition scores (BCS) are an excellent means of monitoring the effectiveness of your beef-cow-nutrition program. Here are 10 management tips to help ensure your cows are at a target BCS of 6.0 by calving: Late summer-Evaluate your cows while still on grass. If they score thin to borderline moderate during this time and forage...

Sustained Nutrition for Lifetime Performance

There are unfortunately many examples to draw upon from our history, especially during wartime, of maternal nutritional deprivation and the long term effects on the lives of their children, and their children’s children. The list includes: diabetes; hypertension; glucose intolerance; insulin resistance; renal failure; cardiovascular disease; and hyperlipidemia. The word...

Quick Tips: Weaning Management

A calf's diet and surroundings change dramatically at weaning and if you don't closely manage this lifestage, the value of your calves can be reduced.  Calves can become sick and won't grow as they should. Here are four weaning management tips to ensure calves get a good, healthy start after...

10 cow-calf winter preparation tips

Now is the perfect time for beef producers to make management decisions that will affect the health, productivity and profitability of the herd over the next production cycle. The following are tips and guidelines to consider. 1. Wean based on pasture quality and quantity: When pasture quality declines below that...

Feeding Programs for Drought Stressed Beef Cow Herds

Traditionally, grazed forages provide beef cows the majority of their nutrients during the spring and summer months. However, during droughts when forage production stops, alternative feeds and feeding programs need to be used utilized until forages are growing again. When deciding on and alternative feeding program there are several options...

Nutrition Key in Heifer Reproductive Efficiency

Good nutrition management is a key to reproductive efficiency in heifers.  Animal scientists at the university of Georgia Cooperative extension Service say heifers must be bred to calve at two years of age, and it is critical that they reach 65 percent of estimated mature weight prior to breeding.1  Nutrition...

Quick tips & Good Nutrition Vital for Reproduction

Body condition scores (BCS) are an excellent means of monitoring the effectiveness of your beef-cow-nutrition program. Here are 10 management tips to help ensure your cows are at a target BCS of 6.0 by calving: Late summer - Evaluate your cows while still on grass. If they score thin to...

Taking The Bite Out of Horn Fly Losses With Mineral Additives

One of the things beef producers dread most about the coming warm weather is the advent of troublesome horn flies. These insects are annoying, to be sure.  But, they are more than just pests, they are really “obligate parasites,”  who must stay with –and live off of- their host in...