
Archive for the ‘articles’ Category

How to Start Feeding Wild Birds in Your Yard

Have you noticed more birds in your yard since the weather has cooled? Feeding wild birds in the winter is important as food sources for birds slow in the winter. Here are proven tips and techniques to help you quickly enjoy beautiful wild birds found around your yard. Most birdfeeders...

Season Changes Can Mean Diet Problems For Horses

Season changes can mean potential diet problems for horses and horse owners.  Pasture quality fluctuates with every season, but the shift in quality from summer to fall is significant. During the fall, there are often warm, sunny days and cool nights. Pasture plants manufacture sugars in the presence of water,...

Victor Dog Food Hi-Pro Plus Now Available At Pasturas

Victor Dog Food Hi-Pro Plus Now Available At Pasturas Los Alazanes.  Victor Hi-Pro Plus dog food formula for Active Dog & Puppies contains high levels of Proteins and Energy with only 30% carbohydrates! This super premium food is naturally formulated with added vitamins, minerals and other additives that work together...

Senior Horse Nutrition

A horse in its teens may typically be thought of as “old”, but the reality is that the genetics of the individual, plus how it was cared for during its life, will dictate when the nutritional needs begin to shift from that of an adult mature horse to that of...

Healthy Coat Horse Formula

Healthy Coat provides horses with a rich source of essential fatty acids and vitamins to improve skin and coat conditions, performance and overall health.

Chickens and Culling

Culling is the removal of birds in your flock that are not laying or developing as they should.