Deworming Horses
Deworming treatments are often a regular component of horse health maintenance, but many horse owners may not understand the best schedule for their horse.
Deworming treatments are often a regular component of horse health maintenance, but many horse owners may not understand the best schedule for their horse.
The greater inclusion of vitamin D in today’s poultry feeds has increased its concentration in eggs. Even the color of the yolk is influenced by pigments the hen consumes. This is a very important concept for people raising backyard hens for eggs. Feed them a poor diet of unfortified scratch...
We have chicks coming in regularly, including Barred Rocks, Rhode Island Reds and mixed flock layers.
Recent high school graduate Cuatro Schauer shattered records with his prize winning steer at the Fort Worth Stock Show in February. Cuatro's cash cow, Spider Monkey, was auctioned off during the Sale of Champions for an astounding $230,000, making it the highest price paid in the shows 116-year history and...
Wild Rivers Whitetails has been feeding Purina® AntlerMax® Diets exclusively on their farm since 2004. In 2011, they grew a deer named “Ballistic” that scored 561” Boone and Crockett. To the best of everyone’s knowledge, it was the highest scoring deer for the 2011 antler growing season. Purina® AntlerMax® Deer...
Deer hunting in Texas is a popular pursuit, governed by the regulations set forth by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Hunters have their choice of white-tailed deer or mule deer to hunt in the Lone Star State. Licenses Texas law requires that every deer hunter possess a license. Those...
Am I feeding enough of the right type of feed? Since most people feed by the "scoop" rather than by weight, if is often easy to overestimate the amount of feed you are providing. Weighing out your feed will help. Additionally, be sure to consult the feeding directions on the back of...
Am I feeding the right type of concentrate for my horses' lifestage and lifestyle? Horses in different stages of life and with different levels of activity will have different nutrient and caloric requirements. Choosing a feed to fit your horses' lifestage and lifestyle will help to ensure that those requirements are...
Is the forage high quality and available in sufficient quantities? It is not uncommon to find that hay and pasture that appear to be of good quality are actually poorly digestible or low in certain nutrients. By having your hay and pasture grass tested you can assess the nutrient content and...
Is my horse properly taking in, chewing and swallowing both forage and feed? By observing your horse while eating hay, grass and feed, you may find that while he is taking in food he may not be actually chewing and/or swallowing it - this is especially common in older horses...