News & Updates

Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category

Six Ways to Feed Performance Horses for Greater Achievement

Much like human athletes, performance horses have special nutritional needs. And with all athletes, it’s important for diets to match activity and athletic level to reach the highest level of achievement. These six tips may help you to supply your horse with adequate energy to support optimal performance. 1. Know if...

Peacocks For Sale in Dallas at Pasturas Los Alazanes

We frequently have Peacocks for sale in Dallas at Pasturas Los Alazanes. If you're looking for a peacock and peahen pair for either your enjoyment or breeding program, give us a call at (469) 386-9360. If we don't have peafowl in stock, we can special order year round. New to raising...

Equine Vaccines

Pasturas Los Alazanes offers equine vaccinations to keep your animals in top form and save you money.  Pasturas carries a wide variety of horse vaccines, in single and multi-dose, for protection against a number of common viruses. Equine Vaccines EquiNile With Havlogen -  (West Nile Virus Vaccine)  For vaccination of healthy...

Just One Bite Rodent Control

Got a rodent problem? We can help! Just One Bite rodent control products kill house House Mice, Norway Rats, and Roof Rats. To successfully control your rodent problem it’s important to know exactly what type of rodent you’re dealing with. Whether you have just one mouse or an infestation of...


  LO MÁS ESPERADO MI RAZA TORNEO CAMPEÓN DE CAMPEONES 4 Y 5 DE MAYO Pasturas Los Alazanes is proud to be a sponsor of the Torneo De Coleadero, Campeon De Campeoes, May 4,  to May 5, 2019. Pasturas Los Alazanes is awarding a feed prize to the top 30...

Raising Chicks 6-8 Weeks

At week six, you made it through the brooding period! Between 6 and 8 weeks of age, your chicks will be much larger and will need twice the amount of floor space they started with. If the temperature is mild and the chicks are fully feathered, they can be allowed...

Spartan Mosquito Eradicator For Mosquito Control

Take back your outdoor space with the Spartan Mosquito Eradicator, now available at Pasturas Los Alazanes. Deploy Spartan Mosquito Eradicators as soon as the weather begins to warm to create a barrier, giving the mosquitoes a target that emits the same attraction triggers as people and animals. Once mosquitoes feed...

6 Week Old Chicks

Keeping 6 Week Old Chicks Between 6 and 8 weeks of age, your chicks will be much larger and will need twice the amount of floor space they started with. It’s also time to start thinking about moving your chicks from the brooder to more permanent living quarters outside. If the...