News & Updates

Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category

Chickens and Molting

Molting is the process wherein hens lose feathers and grow new ones. It occurs naturally after 10 to 14 months of production, or it can be caused accidentally by temperature extremes, running out of feed or water, a decrease in light, or disease. Hens will not lay eggs during a molt....

2015 Texas 4-H Roundup

The 2015 Texas 4-H Roundup will be held in College Station, Texas on the campus of Texas A&M University from June 8th to June 11th, 2015.

We’ve Got Chicks

Are you looking to raise chickens? Baby chicks are here at Pasturas Los Alazanes. Breeds available:  Barred Rock and Rhode Island Red, all pullets. Also available: Bantams and meat birds. Pasturas Los Alazanes has everything you need to get started raising chicks, including feed, fencing, supplies and more!