News & Updates

Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category

Just In… Custom Saddles!

Stop by to see the new selection of saddles that just came in. We have some great racing saddles as well as several beautiful Mexican custom saddles. Visit Pasturas Los Alazanes, in Dallas, Texas for all your equine gear.

Managing Spring Turnout

Spring is here and if you have pasture and intend to utilize it for horses, there are some things to consider.

Chicks Arriving April 1st

The baby chicks arrive at Pasturas Los Alazanes on Wednesday, April 1st! Are you looking to raise chickens? Baby chicks arrive at Pasturas Los Alazanes on April 1, 2015.  All chicks will be straight run, assorted breeds. Pasturas Los Alazanes has everything you need to get started raising chicks, including feed, fencing,...

Horse Care: Managing Spring Turnout

Spring has sprung and green pasture is coming on like gangbusters in most parts of the country. For most of us, this is good news because green grass relieves some pressure of searching for quality hay at a reasonable price. Of course, with the rising cost of fertilizer, it may...