Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category
Cabalgata a Success
If you weren't able to make it to our Gran Cabalgata on October 26, 2014, here are some pictures. We had a great turnout and a fun ride.
Quail Season Begins October 25
Quail season opens statewide October 25 and runs through February 22, 2015. The daily bag limit for bobwhite, scaled (blue) and Gambel's quail is 15, and the possession limit is 45. The bag limit is the maximum number that may be killed during the legal shooting hours in one day....
Vaccinating Your Horse Against Equine Flu
If your horse travels to shows or meets up with other horses with any frequency it is a good idea to have them vaccinated against equine influenza. Equine flu is a virus that is constantly changing and adapting. en Español: Alimentando Para Competencia
Many of our customers are feeding high performance horses. This is a good article about the challenges of feeding a proper diet for the best performance. en Español: Alimentando Para Competencia.
La Gran Cabalgata
Invitamos a toda la comunidad Hispana para que este 25 de Octubre acompañe a esta Gran Cabalgata.
Gran Coleadero De Lujo
Los invitan: Un Gran Coleadero de Lujo, este 1 de Noviembre.
Colorful Companions Bird Feed
Colorful Companions®Parrot and Parakeet Blends are a special blend of seeds, nuts, vitamin- and mineral-enriched pellets that are triple-cleaned to give you only the freshest product with the highest palatability.
Saftisports Jockey Goggles
Saftisport jockey goggles are now in stock at Pasturas Los Alazanes. These goggles are made with a durable, yet flexible plastic design to keep out irritants, along with brass vents or extra holes on the sides to keep them fog free.
Stayons Poultice Boot Protecting Hoof Wraps
The Stayon Poultice Boot is the fastest way to protect your poultice investment. There's a new, better & convenient way to secure hoof wraps - for up to 18 hours.