News & Updates

Archive for the ‘News & Updates’ Category

What vaccines does a horse need?

Las vacunas son unos medicamentos que se utilizan para prevenir enfermedades. En caballos, lo más habitual es vacunar contra el tétanos y la influenza (gripe), pero también puede ser aconsejable la vacunación frente a la rinonemonitis equina y frente a las encefalomielitis equinas.

Proper Application of Herbicides

The application of herbicides (plant killers) can be as damaging as it is beneficial, depending on the method of application. The goal is to apply a properly mixed solution on the proper plant and to avoid damage to other plants.

Tips For Watering Your Trees

With the start of summer just around the corner everyone always thinks of shade. Trees have been going through some tough times with the continuing drought and this summer will be no different.

Keeping Your Horse Cool In The Summer

ummer heat and humidity can be a dangerous combination for active horses. “Heat and humidity affect the horse, and with intense exercising, the excess heat has difficulty dissipating,” notes Dr. Glennon Mays, clinical associate professor at the Texas A&M College of Veterinary Medicine & Biomedical Sciences.


A highly palatable cherry-flavored supplement with a corn syrup base. For horses that are off feed, have a poor appetite, or are picky eaters.

Purina SuperSport

Purina® SuperSport™ amino acid supplement is scientifically formulated and demonstrated in published research to support: RECOVERY: More rapid recovery of muscle cell integrity after exercise to help horses bounce back faster. PERFORMANCE: Increased exercise capacity for higher performance over a longer period of time. MUSCLE MASS: Supports muscle development for a more athletic...

Yellow Jacket Wettable Sulfur

Yellow Jacket Wettable Sulfur is perfect for treating poultry houses for mites including chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, game birds and pigeons.

Controlling Horn Flies

One of the things beef producers dread most about the coming warm weather is the advent of troublesome horn flies. These insects are annoying, to be sure. But, they are more than just pests, they are really “obligate parasites,” who must stay with –and live off of- their host in...

Enter To Win!

Participa para ganar esta silla de caballo por la presentación de la información a continuación. Un ganador será seleccionado el 16 de junio de 2014. Enter to win this riding saddle by submitting the information below. A winner will be selected on June 16, 2014.