Sustained Nutrition Program Builds Better Cattle

Sustained Nutrition Program Builds Better Cattle

Consistent, effective cow nutrition ensures greater reproductive results, fetal development and better performance in your beef calf crop. Sustained Nutrition increases your bottom line for generations to come.

Purina AccurationPurina Sustained® Cattle Nutrition Program helps cattle producers in building better cattle, generation after generation .A 12-month cow care program supports your cows’ nutrition, their healthy calves and your bottom line potential year after year.  Sustained® Nutrition encompasses the entire lifestage of the cow and her calves prior to and after birth. Even the performance and potential of your calves is affected by the dam and grand dam’s health and nutrition as soon as the calf is conceived and becomes a developing fetus.

If you take care of your cows properly, you potentially can have a direct and positive affect on the calves’ performance. For the producer who is looking for a new way to increase the profit potential of his herd, the Sustained® Nutrition is a program that has been shown to produce healthy, fast growing calves while helping save you time and money spent on feed and labor through the feeding of Intake Modifying Technology® products. Sustained® Nutrition is a program that can help you carry on the tradition of success in your own herd and the feedyard

A cow’s nutrition throughout her pregnancy directly impacts the performance of the calf as a replacement heifer or as a steer. When you have consistent cow condition, you can see benefits in your entire cow herd.


Traditionally, cows receive a supplement when they ‘look’ like they need more nutrition. But with Sustained® Nutrition, the feed supplement is available when the cows want it, at any time – even before you realize they need it. When pastures or forages are in higher quantities and higher quality, cows will consume less supplement. And, when additional nutrition is needed, cows will consume additional supplement.  This program helps cows maintain better body condition and do not need to eat extra feed to restore their body condition prior to calving.

A Full Line of Purina Accuration® Feeds with Intake Modifying Technology®  process is part of the Sustained® Nutrition Program. Accuration® is a self-fed, Intake Modifying Technology® feed that helps manage cattle forage utilization. Accuration® Cattle Limiters provide a balance of protein, energy and fat aimed to meet the cows’ nutritional needs with minimal forage requirements.

Accuration® products with Intake Modifying Technology® are available in a meal, liquid and now block form. Having Accuration® available in different feeding forms provides you the convenience to select a product that is best for your operational needs.

Source: Purina Mills

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