
Posts Tagged ‘Chickens’

Feed Chickens For Optimum Egg Production

At about four and a half months, you’re probably anxiously awaiting the first fresh eggs! Now is the time to introduce your laying pullets to Purina Layena Sunfresh Recipe or Purina Layena Plus Omega-3 to insure that they receive the best nutrition to support egg production.

Healthy Chickens Means Better Eggs

The greater inclusion of vitamin D in today’s poultry feeds has increased its concentration in eggs. Even the color of the yolk is influenced by pigments the hen consumes. This is a very important concept for people raising backyard hens for eggs. Feed them a poor diet of unfortified scratch...

Good Eggs: Feed Matters

Despite its apparent nutritional perfection, the egg can be enhanced by improving what is fed to the hen. Hens are very good at incorporating what they eat into the developing egg.