Stayons Poultice Boot Protecting Hoof Wraps

Stayons Poultice Boot Protecting Hoof Wraps

The Stayon Poultice Boot is the fastest way to protect your poultice investment.

Stayons Poultice BootThere’s a new, better & convenient way to secure hoof wraps – for up to 18 hours.
Whether using our Clay/Epsom salt, Bran/Epsom salt OR Epsom salt hoof wraps, rest assured that you can securely maintain their protection using the specifically designed, patent pending outer casing.

This is a state-of-the-art, outer casing material that’s a high impact resistant, cross laminated plastic film. Strong enough to even protect explosives during transport. PLUS, it’s tamperproof, proven to secure even critical legal and automotive labels. In other words, it’s really tough material.  The boot has a resilient, repositionable layer for the insole, to help stabilize the wrapped hoof inside the boot, with or without caulks or shoes.

We recommend STAYONS Poultice Boot as an indoor poultice cover, rather than just turning the horse out. But when you’re dealing with a horse with a sore foot – controlled walks or ‘restricted’ turnout to a smaller paddock seems appropriate. In this way, the boots hold up well, while allowing the horse to remain in good spirits by still getting out of its stall.

We recommend a 12 -24 hour recheck period (or as directed by your farrier / veterinarian). Replace the poultice wrap, should additional poultice time be needed and simply re-apply the boot.


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